老北京艾草足贴 (从马来西亚寄出):
功能: 祛除体内湿气,促进睡眠,舒缓疲劳,净化血液,活化细胞,排毒
1. 清洗脚部或热水足浴后使用效果更好
2. 将足贴有透气孔的一侧紧贴于足底用胶布固定
3. 平躺或侧卧,贴敷8小时后取下
Lao Beijing Detox Herbal Foot Patch (Ship from Malaysia)
1 Promoting blood circulation & metabolism.
2 Promoting sleeping & Improve insomnia.
3 Relaxing muscles & tendons and eliminating moisture,
replenishing vital essence and strengthening kidney
4 Activating cells, improving functions of vital organs.
5 Dispelling toxin which accumulated in the circulation system,
promoting functions of circulation system and strengthening the immunity.
6 Beautify foot and clean odour
7 Cleanse and detoxify your body while you sleep at night
8 Made of natural ingredients
1) 50pcs/box